Poem from the road: For Lara


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There are thousands of women I admire. I admit that many leave a strong impression on me, even if I’ve never met them. But there is only one woman who profoundly transformed my life. My daughter, Lara.

The idea of sharing a tribute to her in this space has been a challenge, because I will hardly do her justice in words or images. That said, I would like to leave printed in time, on the internet and in this publication, the following:


“Thank you, daughter, for coming to open so many roads, all so beautiful. I know that time is not exactly linear, and that life goes on. I admire you, daughter, in all your moon phases, and I recognize how you face the days with your sunlight ”.
With love, má.



Throughout the month of February, as a complement to our “Women, Not Numbers” edition, we will be publishing the reflections of photographers in Costa Rica about the women they most admire. 

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Priscilla Mora Flores
Priscilla vive en Costa Rica y ha estado vinculada a la fotografía desde los 15 años, cuando todo era análogo, químico y en cuarto oscuro. Estudió Fotografía en la Universidad Véritas, y desde el 2006 comenzó a trabajar con proyectos de Fotoperiodismo en medios y Fotografía Documental Social, alrededor de temáticas de género, migraciones, cultura, derechos humanos y tradiciones nativas de América Latina. Junto a colegas, fundó el Colectivo Nómada en el año 2008. Priscilla lives in Costa Rica and has been linked to photography since she was 15 years old, when everything was analog, chemical and in a dark room. She studied Photography at the Véritas University, and since 2006 she began working with projects of Photojournalism in the media and Social Documentary Photography, around gender, migration, culture, human rights and native traditions of Latin America. Together with colleagues, she founded the Nomad Collective in 2008.


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