As I write this, my house is on the verge. Paper bats and pumpkins from Halloween coexist in spooky harmony with bright marigolds for the altar my daughter has decided to make for the Día de los Muertos. A carved watermelon (hey, pumpkins are expensive in Costa Rica) hangs out near the door with a Christmas wreath that’s waiting its turn. Invisibly, we are also turning the corner into the month of my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving—a time of year that, no matter where I am in the world, I associate with gratitude. And stuffing.
It occurs to me that El Colectivo 506 is a lot like this moment on the calendar: on the brink between fear and gratitude, darkness and light. It sounds cheesy, but I know that both Mónica and I feel this way. Because of El Colectivo 506 and the solutions journalism we practice, we get to dip our toes into a well of inspiration and action every single week. We get to confront the problems that worry or even terrify us, and learn how they might be overcome.
As the world becomes more and more threatening, we get to talk to people who are, not necessarily solving, but grappling with those threats. At a time when most interviews—on educational, socioeconomic, and environmental topics alike—pass through sad and scary territory, we apply a kind of journalism that allows us to push further. We look at what’s being done. What works. Even if that’s just a tiny adjustment, a fledgling effort, a long shot.
The collective bus that gave our media organization its name is an exciting and comforting place to be—and that’s all because of the readers, writers and communities that sustain this project. For Mónica and for me, the people we feature in this space are a source of deep joy and hope. And quite honestly, we just want more people to experience that feeling.
So this month’s edition is all about you. During the month of gratitude, we’re pulling our bus to the side of the road so more people can get on. We’re slowing down to check in with people who are linked to media organization through readership, friendship, or just a shared love for Costa Rica or in-depth journalism.
Welcome to our November edition, “Hop On the Bus.” Will you hop on today by taking our short reader survey and sharing it with others? It can be filled out by longtime readers, brand-new arrivals, or even people who don’t know about us yet (it can also be taken anonymously, if so desired). We need to gather as much information and insight as we can about people who believe in Costa Rica and its potential, so we can do the best job possible bringing you stories you care about.
Fill out our survey here.
See you aboard—and thank you.